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Loo is a navigation app designed to help people locate nearby public restrooms. 

My Roles

UX/ UI Design, Branding, Prototyping, Illustration

Team & Duration

Collaboration with Google UX designer Chang Yang

September 2022 - November 2022


User surveys
User Personas
Competitive analysis
User flow map


User research, Low-Fidelity wireframes, High-Fidelity Mockups, Interactive Prototype 

Project Background

Whether it's going to work, running errands, or enjoying a vacation, people are always on the go. However, there's always time to use the restroom. In fact, an average adult uses the restroom between 6-7 times a day. 

Unfortunately, it's difficult to find a clean, safe public restroom when it's an unfamiliar place. To combat that issue, we created Loo: an app designed to help people navigate to free public restrooms in the local area.


When people travel to unfamiliar areas or cities, it is difficult and time-consuming to find free public restrooms. How might we help people conveniently locate a public restroom?

How do we solve this? 

By working with my collaborator Chang, we researched and designed an app that focuses its core functions on restroom information and simple navigation.

description page 1.png
map view 1.png
list view 1.png


Streamline the process by

Creating clear and concise navigation

Prioritizing relevant restroom information for users

Coordinating between businesses and users to ensure accurate information

How did we do this? 

Please use the buttons below to navigate through this case study. You may also scroll through to view the entire process


To gather better insight into our problem and users' needs, we created and sent out surveys to friends and social media groups to better understand their thoughts. 

We asked questions like:

1.) What's the most important information you need when looking for a restroom?

2.) Are there any specifications you'd prefer for a restroom?

Survey Takeaways


People would prefer the least amount of verbal communication to staff when looking for the restroom.


Important information: where the restroom is located in the building, is there a password needed, is it handicap accessible, is there usually a wait time/ purchase required


Would prefer to know information about the business and cleanliness ranking before navigating

Competitive Analysis 

Researched 4 competitive apps

limited options for viewing restrooms

lack of restroom and business information

inability to navigate to the destination within the app

User Personas

User Flow Map

Frame 28.png


Storyboard Big Picture 3.png
Storyboard- Close up 2.png
toilet hand 2.png


How might we visualize users' needs?

Key Takeaways

Map and list view

Organize information in 2 alternative viewing options

Streamline user journey

Prioritize restroom info to reduce the confusion after arriving at the business

Simplified navigation

Reorganize app navigation to make it easier to pick a restroom

Affinity diagram

Frame 29.png


toilet hand 2.png

How might we create a product that aligns with users' needs and project scope?


Bathroom_Project_Paper_wireframes 1.png
homepage_paper_wire_frame 2.png

Low-Fidelity Wireframes

Onboarding 4.png
Homepage (2).png
Navigation Page.png
Business account homepage (2).png
List view.png

Low-Fidelity Prototype

User Tasks:

  • Create a business account through the onboarding process

  • From the list or map view, select and navigate to a restroom

Screen Shot 2022-12-06 at 1.15 2.png


toilet hand 2.png

How might we evaluate our design?

MU - Images homepage.png


MU - Homepage (2).png
MU - Navigation Page.png
MU - Business homepage.png
MU - Business account homepage.png

High-Fidelity Prototype

Design Review

Validate the design

  • Updated font sizes for easier reading

  • Reorganized info spacing and placement for better navigation

  • Coordinated colors for easier accessibility

Key Takeaways


  • An all-encompassing app where users can find and navigate to a public restroom 

  • Cleaner, simplified process to find a restroom

What I learned:

  • User research, feedback, and iteration is the key to improving design

  • Multiple ways to evaluate and improve on ideas

Next Steps

Another usability study:

Can conduct another round of usability studies to confirm whether users' pain points were addressed effectively 

More user research:

Can conduct more research through a larger user group to determine areas of improve


Case Study
description page 1.png
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